
Broadway Chiropractic

Kids & Sports: Injury & Prevention

Join us in helping to set our young athletes up for long term success! Topics will include musculoskeletal injuries as well as neurological/brain injuries.

Myths, Truths, and Consequences

Have you ever said “You can’t believe everything that you hear”? So how do we decide what’s true regarding our health?


In this talk we will bring up the topic of optimizing our youth. Slowing down the aging process is something that eludes us all. We all would like to be young and fit but we all do not realize that ... Read More

Glocal ASP

Doctor training seminar

Lifetime Care

Lifetime care is not a choice; the only choice lies in the quality of the lifetime care you choose. Learn how to make that choice wisely


The most sought-after topic ever – stress. Stress is not bad – it's our ability to build ourselves up and our reaction to the stress that is lacking. What could you be doing different to build yourself up?

Keep Fit While You Sit

This is a workshop discussing how to optimize your sitting environment, why you should optimize it, and things you can do to help counteract the negative effects of being sedentary.

What Works

A powerpoint presentation highlighting the importance of the mind body connection (the safety pin cycle). Learn the importance of enhancing the mind body connection instead of suppressing it.

Headaches Aren’t Normal?

Broadway Chiropractic

Discussion on the types of headaches that are out there, the burden they place on individuals and society as a whole, and how to reduce their occurrence. Headaches are the number one cause of missed work and loss of productivity.