Don’t miss this powerpoint spin-off of our Lifetime Care workshop. Your health is a process, not a destination. How are you engaging in that process?
Keep Fit While You Sit is a workshop discussing how to optimize your sitting environment, why you should optimize it, and things you can do to help counteract the negative effects of being sedentary.
The most sought after topic ever – stress. It is our choice to respond and not react to stress. Stress is not bad – it's our ability to build ourselves up and our reaction to the stress that is lacking.
What’s the purpose of pain? What’s your approach to pain? What kind of example are we setting for our children? Everybody needs to hear this message.
A comprehensive discussion about what wellness actually means, the consequences of being a society that is primarily crisis (not wellness) based, how to find a wellness based doctor, and what changes we have to make in our thinking as well ... Read More