Pregnancy, Infants & Toddlers

Broadway Chiropractic


At Broadway Chiropractic we take pride in our advanced training and experience working with mothers during one of the most important periods in their lives.  Both Dr. Phil and Dr. Jess are Webster Technique certified, which is a chiropractic technique specifically applied to maximize pelvic balance and alignment.  The better aligned the spine and pelvis are, the easier the pregnancy goes for both mom and baby.  While utilizing the Webster Technique we have had many instances of baby’s positioning improving  and research has shown it can make the whole labor process easier.  Chiropractic’s drug free approach is even more important during pregnancy.

Infants & Toddlers

We are highly trained in the care of children from birth. Our gentle adjustment techniques are designed to restore and maintain optimal spinal and nervous system health. Everybody’s story is different but there are many common conditions that could benefit from the care of a chiropractor, especially chronic, ongoing issues that don’t seem to benefit from other interventions. Also consider routine chiropractic care starting from infancy to encourage optimum health without drugs or invasive treatments.  Always remember that no matter what doctor you choose to see, it is not the doctor that does the healing. It’s the body that does, from the inside – out.